The Water Rocket Achievement World Record Association

Why should you join the WRA2?
As a member you can learn to design and construct:- High flying water rockets.
- Launchers.
- Reliable recovery systems.
- Multiple stage water rockets.
- Practice aerial photography.
- Informative "how to" articles.
- Access to members only forums and topics.
- Access to record submission forums.
- Access to the advanced discussion forum.
- Meet and discuss water rocketry with members from all over the world.
- Expert water rocket tips.
- Discuss radical design concepts in our cutting edge technology forum.
- Camaraderie with the world record holding water rocket teams.
- Participate in the review of competition submission videos and data.
- Eligibility to compete in WRA2 sanctioned Competitions.
- Compete on a level playing field under unified, time tested, and stable rules.
- Competitions for all skill levels.
- Earn a spot in the official water rocket world record standings.
- Gain international recognition.
- Compete with proven water rocketry experts.
- Earn Bragging Rights.

- Launch anywhere and anytime (no need to attend meets).
- Electronic verification (removes human error and politics from your record submissions).
- Learn advanced electronics.
- Witness mind-boggling flights.
- No fees or dues.
- No politics.
Don't be left behind! Become a member and advance to the next level of Water Rocketry!